Capricorn Love Nature
Earthy and persistent, you put a lot of time and energy into pursuing a potential partner – if you feel they are worth all the effort. Power, ambition, success and money are the things that really get your heart [and libido] racing.
You are conventional in your sexual tastes [nothing too wild or way-out] and set high standards for yourself – and others. [Any lover who doesn’t measure up will soon be sent packing!] You appreciate someone who is disciplined and hard-working, and many Capricorns end up with an older partner who also takes on the role of a mentor or teacher.
Best matches – Taurus, Cancer, Virgo and Capricorn. You prefer a partner who’s also practical, upwardly mobile and into self-improvement.
Best to avoid – Aries, Leo and Libra. They are big spenders, whereas you are a serious saver.
Best celebrity match – Kate Middleton [Capricorn] and Prince William [Cancer].
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What’s your sexual style? Who is the perfect partner for you?
Is your lover inclined to be faithful or a philanderer?
To get a full picture of your romantic and sexual nature [and that of your partners’ – past, present and future!] check out Joanne’s best-selling eBook ‘Love and Sex Signs – Venus, Mars and Astrology’.
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