Artist, musician and performer Yoko Ono was born on February 18, 1933 with the Sun, Venus and Saturn all in the unconventional sign of Aquarius, plus Moon trine the boho planet of …

Artist, musician and performer Yoko Ono was born on February 18, 1933 with the Sun, Venus and Saturn all in the unconventional sign of Aquarius, plus Moon trine the boho planet of …
Music legend David Bowie was born on January 8, 1947. Check out his horoscope and bohemian Balinese-inspired home here …
Singer, songwriter and poet Jim Morrison was born on December 8, 1943 with the Sun and Mercury in the freedom-loving sign of Sagittarius and a rebellious Aquarian Ascendant …
American artist Georgia O’Keeffe was born on November 15, 1887 with the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Mercury and Jupiter all in Scorpio. And she embodied so many Scorpio qualities …
Bohemian Librans … Check out the horoscopes of boho Librans and style icons Jade Jagger, Brigitte Bardot and Oscar Wilde.
Singer/songwriter Florence Welch was born on August 28, 1986 with her Sun in Virgo and Moon in Gemini [both ruled by versatile Mercury]. So her boho London home is a magical mix of many styles and moods …
Flame-haired singer/songwriter Kate Bush was born with the Sun in the fiery sign of Leo. Bohemian individuals always have Aquarius and/or Uranus feature strongly in their birth chart and Kate has an Aquarian Moon …
Mexican surrealist painter Frida Kahlo was born on July 6, 1907 with Sun in creative Cancer, Moon in earthy Taurus, and a flamboyant Leo Ascendant. She is best known for her ….
Singer, songwriter and fashion icon Stevie Nicks was born on May 26, 1948 with Sun in Gemini. Bohemian individuals always have Uranus and/or Aquarius feature strongly in their horoscope and Stevie has …
Hollywood icon Audrey Hepburn was born with the Sun in practical and hard-working Taurus. She starred in 27 films but she was no precious, pampered movie star …
Julie Christie and Ali MacGraw are Aries actors who were boho fashion icons [Julie in the 1960s and Ali in the 1970s]. And they also had tumultuous relationships with superstar actors and sex symbols …
Singer, songwriter, musician, movie producer and gardener George Harrison was born on February 24, 1943 with his Sun and Venus in the gentle sign of Pisces.
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