“Joanne’s horoscope columns are syndicated on five continents, and she runs a successful astrology website.” HuffPost
Best Free Horoscopes
Welcome to the website of internationally syndicated astrologer Joanne Madeline Moore.
At Boho Astro you can read your free Weekly Horoscope, plus Annual Horoscopes for 2025. As well as the Celebrity Horoscopes Blog, which showcases boho celebrity horoscopes and homes.
“Boho Astro is one of the most charismatic horoscope sites I have seen. Joanne’s smooth, easy-to-read free horoscopes are indicative of an astrologer adept at writing for the mass media.” Top100Horoscopes
Read free Weekly Horoscopes from Joanne HERE
Capricorn Season
Symbolized by the go-getting sign of the Goat, can-do Capricorn is the earthy cardinal sign of career, conservation, ambition, motivation and determination. Regardless of what your zodiac sign is, the period from December 21 until January 20 is the time to …
- Nurture your professional connections
- Set ambitious goals for the coming year
- Plan for the long-term and practice patience
- Seek the wise counsel of a teacher or mentor
- Ground your energy by spending time in nature
- Appreciate the positive father-figures in your life
- Be thrifty: save money and conserve natural resources
Connect with Joanne on her Instagram page HERE.
Birthday Capricorn
Music legend David Bowie was born on January 8 [the same day as Elvis Presley] in 1947. With Sun, Mercury and Mars in Capricorn – the earthy, musical sign of discipline, hard work and longevity. He also had Moon in creative, flamboyant Leo – and he had a great love of fashion, theatricality and putting on a spectacular show! Read more about his bohemian horoscope HERE.
Then take a peak at the horoscopes and homes of dozens of singers, musicians, actors, artists and writers on the CELEBRITY HOROSCOPES BLOG. Including boho gypsy queen Stevie Nicks, Leo lioness Kate Bush and Virgo vamp Florence Welch. Plus flamboyant painter Frida Kahlo, quirky movie star Diane Keaton and avant-garde artist Yoko Ono. As well as the birth charts of two music legends who died in 2016 … innovative icon David Bowie and His Purple Majesty, Prince.
Connect with Joanne on her Facebook page HERE
Uranus in Taurus
Uranus (the planet of electricity, shocks, disruptions, rebellions & revolutions) is now transiting through earthy Taurus (symbolized by the Bull) until April 26, 2026. So here are some of the major changes we can expect over the next few years. (As written on May 15, 2018 when Uranus first went into Taurus.)
* Major innovations in agriculture and food production.
* Cloned meat products and faux/imitation meat substitutes.
* A grass roots revolution in home-grown & home-cooked meals.
* Global financial volatility and a dramatic stock market crash.
* The rise of civic cryptocurrencies and decentralized money.
* Bombshells involving members of the British Royal Family.
* More severe fires, floods, storms, earthquakes & epidemics.
* Internet user pays – the end of many online sites being free.
Discover how Uranus in Taurus will affect your zodiac sign HERE
“Joanne Madeline Moore is one of the world’s best-known Sun sign columnists and the creator of the amazing website Boho Astro.” Astrologer Jessica Adams
Best Free Horoscopes are Copyright Joanne Madeline Moore 2024